Freight Management Systems ***1-877-380-5796 ***
Use the list below to compare the features of Visual LOADPlus and VLP Online to the other software packages that you are looking at. Fill in their information in the blank columns. In looking for software to run your freight brokerage business there are many things to consider: cost, interfaces and features. Do this to make sure that you are comparing the same features and Call Freight Management Systems at 1-877-380-5796 for a free demo!!!



Locally hosted


Can handle your company needs regardless of size, user count or remote location


Supports most standard client/server DBMS'


Remote agent office capabilities


Fully integrated modules include: Dispatch, Carrier, Customer, Receivables, Payables, General Ledger, Bank Account, Human Resources, Administration, Security and Management


Interfaces with pcMiler


Interfaces with Rand McNally


Supports most standard client/server DBMS'




Multiple Faxing Solutions - Metro Hi SPeed, eFax and


Multiple Faxing Solutions - Metro Hi Speed, eFax, GFI, FaxPress/Castelle, Right Fax,


*Document Management & Imaging with Barcoding - An optional add-on feature designed to give quick and instant access to vital company document in a paperless environment


*DOTPlus - An optional add-on feature which simplifies the process of verify existing carrier data or adding new carriers with USDOT & FMCSA data


*EDI (Electronic Data Interface) - An optional add-on feature that some of your customers may require you have in order to do business with them


*ePosting - An optional add-on feature in Visual LOADPlus; a standard feature in VLP Online which automates posting of your available loads to the top posting sites including Transcore (DAT), Get Loaded, Internet Truckstop and more!


*eTracking - An optional add-on feature which allows you to automatically post load tracking information to the Internet directly from your system for your customer's viewing convenience


* Optional add-on features will incur additional charges

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